
I have had too many fruitless days. It seems that it, in fact, takes practice to step out of boredom. Without a steady job, little to no hobbies and freezing weather... I find myself, well, aloof. 
Weeks have passed with my feet trudging along. It can't last forever because this is not what I was made for. Last week I did yoga and got a library card. I read a book in 3 days and went back for two more. This past Sunday we went for a walk in the snow and I remembered again why I smile at winter. Yesterday I tried to go for a run, but was content with walking. Today was rainy but 55 degrees. I just thought that was absurd in the coolest way possible. So I may not be seeing the world, getting paid a fat paycheck or even doing anything of great importance; but I am giving up myself for something that I believe will not disappoint: hope.


What I learn is that joy is not found in anything of this world. What I learn, daily, is that joy is not found in any of my thoughts unless they are submitted to a power higher than all. What I learn is that the only true power is that of the cross and in whom now protects my soul forever. Reacquire my soul; over and over...I say amen to Thy amen.